The Great Awakening

with Alice Smith


You have become a partner with the ministry and now you are a part of the family here in the Great Awakening Movement

This is your opportunity to join me to reach the lost for Jesus Christ.
Become a part of a Great Awakening and join me for Miracles, Signs and Wonders!

Jesus came to give us life and more abundantly. He told us to be His witness and wait for the promise of the Holy Ghost. And thirdly Jesus told teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: This isn’t just a mentorship – this is a Movement!

People all over the globe are stepping out and being set free and walking in their calling for the first time in their lives! Now is the time to get in the Core!
We beleive in the true Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit! You will be set free in the Core if you keep your eyes on Jesus and apply what you learn! Get ready to be completely TRANSFORMED!

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